Two-color Thermal Ribbon
The ability to print two-color tags and labels using a striped ribbon can eliminate the need for two passes through a traditional bar code printer, as well as the need for preprinted labels, making it cost effective to produce labels with two colors. IN addition, because just one pass is required, the need to change ribbons is eliminated and printhead life is therefor extended.
The ribbons are 110mm wide with 75% of each ribbon coated with black and 25% coated in color. The ribbons are available in color combinations that include black and red, maroon, yellow, light blue, gray, magenta, green, cyan, or dark blue. Seventy-five percent of each striped ribbon is coated with black and the remaining 25% is color.
IIMAK (International Imaging Materials), 310 Commerce Drive, Buffalo, NY 14228. Tel: 888-464-4626 or 716-691-6333. Fax: 888-329-0260.