TotalFreedom® Development Platform
The TotalFreedom™ open-system architecture offers unlimited possibilities for developing software plug-ins that can be embedded directly into select Honeywell Scanning & Mobility imagers instead of host systems.
The TotalFreedom™ open-system architecture offers unlimited possibilities for developing software plug-ins that can be embedded directly into select Honeywell Scanning & Mobility imagers instead of host systems.
TotalFreedom Software Features and Benefits
TotalFreedom is compatible with the MS7580 Genesis™, the MS1690 Focus®, the MS1633 FocusBT®, the MS1890 Focus®, the IS1650, IS4920 and MS4980
The TotalFreedom Software Development Kit (SDK) contains everything necessary for developing and installing a wide array of plug-ins that can be designed to meet the specific needs of any application.
EasyDL™, a software plug-in that has been developed with the TotalFreedom platform, parses bar code data found on government-issued identification cards to deliver ready to use information to the host system. The embedded parsing functionality can support applications including age verification or automatic electronic form population. Learn more about EasyDL™
Honeywell's TotalFreedom™ Plug-In Certification Program enables developers to have their solutions tested by Honeywell to help ensure that they operate properly with specific Honeywell scanning platforms. Certification benefits include:
- Honeywell will test up to 2 Plug-Ins per company per year
- Development and integration assistance during the validation process
- Upon successful validation, developers will be able to use the Honeywell logo on websites and marketing material to promote software that meets Honeywell established compatibility and integration specifications.
- Receive a listing on Honeywell's TotalFreedom Plug-in website
- TotalFreedom Plug-In Certification Request form