Merge In-Transit
Merge In-Transit (MIT) is defined as the consolidation of products, from disparate sources, into a single customer delivery in a just-in-time sequence at a location that is in close geographic proximity to the final delivery destination.
Submitted by V3 Systems
Merge In-Transit (MIT) is defined as the consolidation of products, from disparate sources, into a single customer delivery in a just-in-time sequence at a location that is in close geographic proximity to the final delivery destination.
The V3 Systems' Merge In-Transit solution is not, in and of itself, a complex operation. The complexities within this type of solution arise from the accurate and timely coordination of information and events to meet a specific customer deliverable.
V3 is capable of supporting either a standalone MIT solution or a comprehensive WMS solution that includes Merge capabilities. Either method that is chosen must be suitably structured to ensure that the execution and information visibility requirements of the principal manufacturer are adequately addressed and that the overall process design is suitable for the requirements of the operation.
Click here to download the complete V3 Merge In-Transit Capability Study.
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